No time like now to think of safety

This is Emergency Preparedness Week: Begin fireproofing now

Rising temperatures are accelerating and increasing the risk of wild fire in certain regions.

Rising temperatures are accelerating and increasing the risk of wild fire in certain regions.

From one potential extreme to another, the bottom line across B.C. is that threats to property and people exist and there are known steps for reducing those threats.

While heavy snow melt is heightening flood risk in some areas, the same high temperatures are creating a very real possibility of wildfires in others.This is the time to plan for the coming wildfire season.

If you live near a forest, the simple act of removing combustible material and vegetation from your property is a great first step.Stop by the fire hall in Castlegar, Pass Creek, Tarry’s, anywhere handy, ask for a copy of the FireSmart Homeowners Manual or get one online at

Check your homeowners’ insurance to be sure you’ve got enough coverage. Keep your most important documents in a fireproof container.

Get to work, and take these tips from the provincial government to heart:

• Prune low-level branches up to at least 2.5 metres above the ground and keep your grass mowed.

• Move your woodpile and other flammable materials away from your house or other buildings. Flammable materials should be at least 10 metres away and uphill from your home.

• Replace bark mulch with gravel or decorative rocks.

• If your home or business is on a slope, pay particular attention to the downhill side of your property. Fire can race uphill and burn trees, brush, grass or other flammable materials.


Castlegar News