North Thompson road getting needed upgrades

An asphalt resurfacing project will upgrade 11 km of Agate Bay Road between Heffley Louis Road and Adams Lake

An asphalt resurfacing project will upgrade 11 km of Agate Bay Road between Heffley Louis Road and Adams Lake, according to a recent media release.

The strength and surface improvements to the road will reduce the amount of time load restrictions are in place and allow for reduced travel time by up to as much as 1 1/2 hours for logging trucks hauling to Adams Lake Lumber.

The road project is one of several resurfacing and safety upgrades, totalling more than $8 million, that will be undertaken in the North and South Thompson areas.

“This long list of projects will not only greatly improve safety for British Columbian drivers, but will also use green techniques so the environmental impacts are as minimal as possible,” said Kamloops-North Thompson MLA Terry Lake.

A smooth riding surface reduces wear and tear on tires and vehicles, benefitting resident motorists, tourists and commercial vehicles.

Using environmentally-friendly techniques for hot-in-place surfacing improvements reduces emissions, fuel consumption and reduces aggregate requirements.

Innovative safety improvements will help keep motorists protected on our provincial highways.


Work will start in early summer and finish before the end of September. A stronger road base and improvements to shoulders and drainage will also be part of this project.



Clearwater Times