Northwest BC treaty information to be released Monday

The Kitselas and Kitsumkalum have been negotiating land claims treaties since 1996

DETAILS of negotiations which are expected to form key elements of land claims treaties for the Kitsumkalum and Kitselas First Nations will be released Monday.

The details will take the form of draft agreements in principle which are still subject to approval by the two First Nations and by the provincial and federal governments.

Provided each is approved, the agreements will then form the basis for final negotiations leading to treaties for both First Nations.

The Kitsumkalum and Kitselas have been negotiating with the provincial and federal governments for 15 years.

While the majority of the negotiations’s content have concerned common interests of the two First Nations, they have diverged when specific interests to each community needed to be addressed.

The details will be released noon Monday at the longhouse located on the Terrace campus of Northwest Community College.





Terrace Standard