Parents ask for Wildflower expansion

Parents ask for Wildflower expansion

Parents of Wildflower students in the Creston Education Centre say there is enough demand to add another class to the program in the fall.

Parents of Wildflower students in the Creston Education Centre say there is enough demand to add another class to the program in the fall.

“This request is being made, as we currently have a waitlist of 17 potential students, and they would like the opportunity to join the Wildflower School,” the Creston Wildflower Parent Group said in a letter to be presented at the Tuesday’s board of school trustees meeting. “We are aware of other families who have shown interest, but have not pursued the option due to uncertainties in the facility. The interested students are a mix of children already enrolled in SD8 schools, as well as children that would be new to the district.”

They say the addition of another room could also accommodate kindergarten children. The Wildflower program currently is open to Grade 1-7 students.

“This would allow for fluidity, as many parents do not like to have to change their children’s school environment at this young age. The two classrooms could work together and apart as needed, enhancing both age groups’ overall experience,” according to the letter.

The group says that the popularity of Yaqan Nukiy School has led to a wait list, which is an indication that alternative programs are in demand. The loss of students and their funding from Kootenay Lake School District programs can be alleviated by supporting programs like Wildflower, they added.

Creston Valley Advance