Parents urged to take action

The Vernon School District is urging parents to take action in the ongoing dispute between teachers and the government

With no end in sight to the ongoing labour dispute between B.C. teachers and the government, the Vernon School District is urging parents to take action.

At its Tuesday board meeting, trustees approved a motion to send a letter home to parents asking them to express their concerns to B.C. Teachers’ Federation president Jim Iker and Minister of Education Peter Fassbender.

We are urging the parents to become more directly and actively involved in order to get a settlement to the teachers’ strike,” said board chairman Bill Turanski. “Only two or three sentences would be required to get the attention of Mr. lker and Minister Fassbender to remind them of the parental concerns regarding the impact this strike is having on their child/children.”

Turanski will work with District Parent Advisory Council president Sheri Minard to draft a letter to parents encouraging them to write a letter to both Fassbender and lker expressing their concerns and to request that the strike be settled through both parties showing good faith by re-examining their positions and getting students back to their classrooms.

Parents are encouraged to write to Fassbender via e-mail to and to Iker at


Vernon Morning Star