Passenger thrown from truck

Police say a passenger had hung herself out of a Dodge Ram but was thrown from the vehicle and rushed to hospital with serious injuries

A Dodge Ram like this one was involved in an incident in Lake Country Saturday night.

A Dodge Ram like this one was involved in an incident in Lake Country Saturday night.

A Kelowna woman suffered serious injuries after being thrown from a moving vehicle on Bottom Wood Lake Road in Lake Country on Saturday night.

And a Vernon woman is now facing charges in the incident.

Police say a passenger had hung herself out of a Dodge Ram late Saturday but was thrown from the moving vehicle and rushed to hospital with serious injuries after the incident.

Police allege the vehicle was being operated by an impaired driver.

Emergency crews responded to a report of a single vehicle collision, with an ejection, in the 10000 block of Bottom Wood Lake Road just after 11 p.m. this past Saturday. Police have been told that the passenger of the Dodge Ram, had lifted herself to a position where parts of her body hung outside the vehicles side window. The woman was ripped from the vehicle after her body struck a passing street sign.

Officers at the scene identified the driver of the Dodge Ram. During their interactions with that driver they detected possible signs of alcohol intoxication.

“As a result, the driver was provided with a demand, who then provided a sample of her breath roadside which resulted in a fail,” said Cpl. Jesse O’Donaghey. “The driver was subsequently taken to the Kelowna RCMP Detachment where she provided breath samples twice the legal limit.”

The passenger, a 22-year-old Kelowna woman, was rushed by emergency paramedics to the hospital with what police considered to be serious, however non-life threatening injuries.

The driver, a 24-year-old Vernon woman, faces both driving prohibitions and fines under the BC Motor Vehicle Act along with potential criminal charges. She is expected to appear in Court on a later date.

If you witnessed this incident and have not yet spoken to police you are asked to contact the Lake Country RCMP at 250-766-2288.

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