Penticton releases draft of parks master plan

The City of Penticton is looking for public input on a draft version of the Parks and Recreation Master Plan

Penticton releases draft of parks master plan

Hard on the heels of releasing a proposed agreement for Skaha Lake Park and marina, the City of Penticton has released a draft version of a Parks and Recreation Master Plan.

The master plan steering committee working with consultants Urban Systems since early this year to develop a framework for the plan, along with community consultation, data collection, research and in-depth analysis to develop the draft plan, now released to the public for input.

Read more: Park committee to contract consultant

The draft master plan, along with an executive summary of the highlights, is available online at The plan includes data and documents from community engagement initiatives: survey results and summaries of input gathered from focus group sessions, online feedback and comments collected at the initial open house.

The city has scheduled another open house for Nov. 16 at the Penticton Trade and Convention Centre from 4:30 to 7:30 p.m. at the Trade and Convention Centre.  Urban Systems consultants and city staff will be in attendance to answer questions and receive feedback on the draft but there will be no formal presentation.

The purpose of the master plan is to provide long-range direction to the city on parks and recreation services for residents and visitors. The city says there has been extensive public outreach while developing the draft, with input from over 5000 residents.

Read more: Few in favour of waterslides in City of Penticton survey

Residents can offer feedback at the open house or online at Public input is being collected up to Nov. 30, then forwarded to the consultants for consideration. A revised draft is expected to be released early next year for more public consultation.

A public input session on the proposed Settlement Agreement and Enhanced Marina Agreement between the city and Trio Marine Group is scheduled for the following week, on Nov. 23 at 6 p.m., also in the Trade and Convention Centre.

Read more: Penticton’s park saga isn’t over yet

Penticton Western News