Police search turns up Saanich teen suspected of assault

A wannabe martial artist was arrested Saturday night after using a stick to attack a trio of of youths during an altercation.

A wannabe martial artist was arrested Saturday night after using a stick to attack a trio of of youths during an altercation.

A Saanich police reserve and a regular officer witnessed the assault in progress at the Royal Oak bus exchange around 8:50 p.m.

The pair, in a police car, activated the lights and sirens, scaring the attacker off and sending him running down Royal Oak Drive. He ran onto a property and disappeared.

A canine unit was called in and police set up a perimeter in the neighbourhood. A witness said he saw the man running toward Viewmont Avenue.

An officer set up for containment on Viewmont spotted the suspect, and arrested him. The teenage suspect was carrying a pair of martial arts sticks, each approximately two feet in length.

He was taken back to the Saanich police department, where he had to be further restrained after pushing an officer.

The 17-year-old Saanich man was charged with assaulting a peace officer, assault with a weapon, assault, mischief and breaching two court orders.

The three youths who were attacked suffered minor injuries, including cuts and bruises.


Saanich News