RCMP dismantled a large marijuana grow operation on Mabel Lake Road near Lumby Tuesday, resulting in a seizure of more than 1,900 plants.

RCMP dismantled a large marijuana grow operation on Mabel Lake Road near Lumby Tuesday, resulting in a seizure of more than 1,900 plants.

Police seize more than 1,900 pot plants as Lumby grow-op is busted

Officers from the Vernon-North Okanagan regional detachment executed search warrants in the 1300 block of Mabel Lake Road, near Lumby

Another large North Okanagan grow-op has been scuttled by RCMP.

Officers from the Vernon-North Okanagan regional detachment executed search warrants in the 1300 block of Mabel Lake Road, near Lumby, Tuesday. The warrants were for theft of Hydro and production of a controlled substance.

“Shortly after our officers arrived on the rural property they arrested a 40-year-old resident,” said RCMP spokesperson Gord Molendyk. “The search of the property located 1,951 plants in various stages of growth in a large shop.”

Several pounds of dried bud and a large quantity of cash were also found.

There was a Hydro bypass that was supplying some of the electricity, and police discovered a diesel generator in a large shipping container buried underground that was supplying the remainder of the power.

“It took several officers most of the day to dismantle the operation and remove the generator from the shipping container,” said Molendyk.

The file is still being investigated, and the suspect arrested in this case was released later in the day on a promise to appear in provincial court.

“The RCMP in the North Okanagan continue to make it a priority to investigate the grow operations in our area,” said Molendyk. “The police would like to remind everyone that if you suspect this type of activity in your neighborhood to please contact the nearest detachment with the details.

“We always appreciate the information that is provided by the concerned residents of the communities we serve.”


Vernon Morning Star