Policy manual streamlined

The municipality’s council policy manual has been updated and now has fewer policies than before.

The municipality’s council policy manual has been updated and now has fewer policies than before.

On Monday, council considered and adopted the updated manual.

Municipal administrator Tom Day said the new manual has around 70 policies, down from 115 in the previous manual. He said some of the policies in the old manual had become outdated, irrelevant or redundant over the years.

The new manual has four revised policies. These are a policy for the release of in-camera information, a policy for council travel and conference expenses, a policy for transit bus shelter advertising and a hiring practices policy.

Coun. Peter Waterman said he appreciates the new policy on the release of in-camera information.

“It’s a critical thing for council to be seen as transparent,” he said.

Coun. Martin Van Alphen said the policy on councillor travel expenses is needed.

Under the new policy, these expenses will be approved at the council table.

“This should become a council decision,” he said.

Coun. Orv Robson said the updates to the policies were needed, in part because of changes to regulations.

“I’m very pleased with the outcome,” he said of the revised manual.


Summerland Review