Princeton Council Briefs ~ Councillor issues reminder to “Please stay off the ice.”

Councillor Earle and his wife April happened upon a situation that he felt should be shared publicly.

Ice that forms over flowing water is often dangerous. Ice seldom freezes uniformly, it may be a foot thick in one location and just a mere inch in another. Play it safe and stay off the ice.

Ice that forms over flowing water is often dangerous. Ice seldom freezes uniformly, it may be a foot thick in one location and just a mere inch in another. Play it safe and stay off the ice.

After the presentation given by Robin Lowe-Irwin, Mayor Armitage extended his appreciation on behalf of Council and the community for the  excellent progress the museum board has made during the past year.

Mayor and Council reported that they were pleased with the turnout of residents to the Zoning Bylaw Review open house. Mayor and Council also attended the retirement party held at the Princeton Museum in honour of Sgt. Dave Clare.

Councillor Harkness attended the Community Consultation conducted by Dr. Barbara Pesut from UBC Okanagan. She reported that the evening went quite well, it was well structured. Challenges and innovations were shared. Councillor Harkness was also present at the News Briefing that followed on the next day.

Councillor Earle extended his thanks to Mayor and Council for filling in for him while he was away for work. He noted that Princeton Secondary Senior Girl Rebels hosted a “fantastic weekend of basketball” during the first week of February.

Councillor Earle and his wife April happened upon a situation that he felt should be shared publicly.

Kids were playing on the ice on the river. After some serious coaxing and the statement that she “knew their mother,” April was able to convince the kids to get off the ice. Councillor Earle wished to issue the reminder that spring thaw has begun and the ice on the river is not safe. He mentioned statistics from another area that began with the first child washing up on shore.

“Stay off the ice kids, I don’t want that statistic showing up here,” he said.

Councillor Pateman too extended his thanks to Mayor and Council for pitching in due to his “family considerations.” He appreciates the “Outpouring of good wishes from the community.” Councillor Pateman was happy to report that his wife Jenny has made great improvements and is now walking. “She is going stir crazy and I pity the nurses,” he said with a chuckle.

Mayor Armitage expressed his enjoyment in participating in the Literacy week “celebrity readers” at John Allison Elementary School.  He also encourages residents to get out and enjoy the high school sport programs as well as the Posse games.


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