Princeton’s volunteer Fire Chief Eric Gregson honoured

Local volunteer Fire Chief Eric Gregson is presented with long service and exemplary service awards.

Volunteer Fire Chief Eric Gregson recieves accolades and congratulations on his 32 year tenure with the Princeton Volunter Fire Department from Mayor Frank Armitage and Sgt. Barry Kennedy.

Volunteer Fire Chief Eric Gregson recieves accolades and congratulations on his 32 year tenure with the Princeton Volunter Fire Department from Mayor Frank Armitage and Sgt. Barry Kennedy.

Dressed in his Red Serge, Sgt. Barry Kennedy of the Princeton RCMP assisted Mayor Frank Armitage in presenting four awards to volunteer Fire Chief of Princeton, Robert Eric Gregson during the regular meeting of council on April 22.

Mayor Armitage introduced Chief Gregson by stating, “He has absolute exemplary commitment to serve his community, great resolve at his department to do things well and properly. He is dedicated and leads by example.”

The four awards presented to Chief Gregson include; Ministry of Justice – Office of the Fire Commissioner a 25-year Long Service Award (medal, bar and certificate); Chancellery of Honours – Governor General 20 years of Loyal and Exemplary Service (certificate) and 30 years of Loyal and Exemplary Service (certificate and medal) and from the Town of Princeton, a certificate honouring 30 years of dedication and commitment.

“It is my honour and privilege to present this on behalf of our community,” said the mayor. “Eric is actually serving his 32nd year in our community as he originally joined our fire department in 1982  and has served as chief since 1997.”

After receiving a rousing round of applause from his crew and those present at council, congratulations from the mayor and  Sgt. Kennedy,

Chief Gregson was invited to say a few words.

“Mayor, council, firefighters….I can’t do this job without those guys there, (pointing to crew). I’m at the head of a very big pyramid. Thank you to my firefighters and officers,  I’ve enjoyed serving the community for 32 years and I will be here for a couple more.” Dept

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