Program to air Abbotsford hospital suicide story

The W5 investigative news program will air the story of Ross Allan, who died in 2008

Ross Allan

Ross Allan

The story of a Mission family whose son’s 2008 suicide at MSA Hospital in Abbotsford became the subject of a coroner’s inquest will be aired this weekend on the investigative news program W5.

The program airs Saturday, Oct. 4 at 7 p.m. on CTV.

Lynn and Kim Allan will share the story of their son Ross, who suffered from schizophrenia and was thought to have walked away from the former MSA Hospital during a stay there in April 2008.

Instead, the 22 year old was found to have hanged himself in a staff washroom at the hospital.

An inquest into Ross’ death produced a record 43 recommendations from the jury.

The W5 segment features interviews with the Allan family, as well as with Fraser Health and a former employee of the coroner’s office.

A family from Ontario will also have their story featured on the program.

Abbotsford News