Province allows Nanaimo to consider third dam remediation option

NANAIMO – The Dam Safety Section has sent a revised order allowing the city to consider a third remediation option for the Colliery dams.

The City of Nanaimo has won the case for timeline extensions and review of a third remediation option for the Colliery dams.

The Dam Safety Section sent a revised order Wednesday that gives the city 30-day extensions to deadlines for work on Colliery dams remediation and three options to choose from, including an alternative overtopping solution.

The city must now pick a remediation solution for the dams by June 1 and if it chooses overtopping – also referred to as a dam-hardening and beautification method – must include a report from a qualified expert in dam design, hydrology and overtopping protection confirming the measure meets required regulations, a city press release states.

Toby Seward, the city’s acting general manager of community development and protective services, said city staff will quickly move forward with identifying a third-party expert acceptable to the comptroller of water rights.

Nanaimo News Bulletin