Public input sought on parks planning in Vernon

The city is currently in the midst of developing a parks master plan

Vernon residents are being asked to develop a parks vision.

The city is currently in the midst of developing a parks master plan and as part of the process, public input is being sought.

“Everyone is an expert on their favorite park, trail or activity,” said Cleo Corbett, long range planner.

“Whether people visit parks daily or just a few times a year, they will have important input for the parks master plan process that will let us know where we are at, where we want to be, and the steps we need to take to achieve the vision set by the community. There are numerous public consultation activities planned for 2014 and we hope to get all of Vernon involved.”

The parks and outdoor recreation survey measuring community satisfaction and priorities is the first opportunity for many to get involved.

The survey is being mailed out in upcoming utility bills and is also available online.

“Residents will be able to share how satisfied they are with parks and outdoor recreation in the city, including what improvements or changes they would suggest,” said Corbett.

For more information and to participate in the survey, go to


Vernon Morning Star