Back row: vice-president June Dunte, directors Sue Gereau and Malcolm Lynn. Front: director Jennifer Bernard, president Karrie Crucil and secretary Mariah Puchalski. Missing from photo: treasure Della Osbourne.

Back row: vice-president June Dunte, directors Sue Gereau and Malcolm Lynn. Front: director Jennifer Bernard, president Karrie Crucil and secretary Mariah Puchalski. Missing from photo: treasure Della Osbourne.

Racing Days plans to run in 2014

The fate of Racing Days in Princeton was unstable due to lack of membership. People have come forward and a board has been formed for 2014.

On Tuesday, Dec. 17, thirteen people met in the conference room at the Princeton Library for the annual general meeting of the Princeton Racing Days Association.

President of 2013, Karrie Crucil opened the meeting by thanking those in attendance for coming. “Thank you for supporting Princeton Racing Days,” she said, “Let’s hope that we have as good a year as we did last year.”

Crucil introduced Mayor Frank Armitage, CAO Rick Zerr and Councillor Kim Maynard and thanked them for their support.

Two gentlemen from the Osoyoos association; director Pete Hormes and retired trainer Malcolm Lynn came out to Princeton for the AGM to offer their support. “Princeton has been great about helping us,” said Hormes, “We’re here to help.”

The meeting was then turned over to Councillor Kim Maynard to officiate the Election of Officers.

“It is my pleasure to conduct the election for you folks,” said Councillor Maynard, “You do good work and you make this community better.”

Crucil had given the fate of Princeton Racing Days a great deal of thought. To date,   since the last meeting, no one had come forward to take the position of president. There had however, been promises of assistance offered and people had come forward to fill vacant positions on the board.

Not wanting to see the forty plus year old tradition fade in Princeton, Crucil decided to allow her name to stand for president if no one else came forward at the AGM.

Councillor Maynard asked if anyone present would take the position, hearing none, Karrie Crucil was introduced as president for 2014.

June Dunte accepted the position of vice president, Mariah Puchalski as secretary, and Della Osbourne as treasurer.

Accepting the positions as directors for 2014 are; Jen Bernard, Sue Gereau and Malcolm Lynn.

Lynn plans to move from Osoyoos to Princeton in the new year.

After the elections, Councillor Maynard took a moment to personally thank the board again, “Thank you all, for what you do for this community.”

Many thanks were extended to Crucil for staying on and to the board of directors for taking on the future of horse racing in Princeton.

Crucil smiled and exclaimed, “Those of you that promised to help—you’ll be helping!”


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