Radio ruckus leads to assault in Oak Bay

One man sent to hospital after noise complaint leads to assault

A noisy radio led to an assault charge in Oak Bay last night (Nov. 11).

At approximately 10 p.m. a 64-year-old man was assaulted in his apartment on Oak Bay Ave. after he became involved in an argument in the hallway of the complex with the resident of another suite, over the volume of his radio.

After the verbal disagreement, the man returned to his suite, closing the door behind him. Police say a man then entered the suite and assaulted the victim by knocking him to the ground and repeatedly punching and kicking him.

The victim was treated at hospital and released.

Oak Bay Police arrested a 27-year-old man in his home. He has been charged with assault causing bodily harm and has been remanded in custody for court Nov. 13.


Oak Bay News