Rail crossing in Terrace to close for two days

Work will eliminate bumpy asphalt ridges, making for smoother vehicle and cyclist passage

THE KENNEY St. railway crossing will be closed to traffic Sunday and Monday to eliminate the bumpy asphalt ridges now being driven over by motorists and cyclists alike.

Crews will install concrete panels running parallel to the tracks, making for a much smoother passage.

They’re similar to the ones installed on Hwy 16 at an old set of tracks running from CN’s mainline across the highway to the Skeena Sawmills location just west of the Hwy16 and Hwy113 intersection.

“The City of Terrace has purchased the pre-cast concrete crossing panels and they are stored at the site,” said city public works director Rob Schibli.

“CN Rail has agreed to install the panels at their cost, the city will be responsible for the remaining tie-in works. Under the crossing agreement for the site, the city is responsible for maintenance of the road at the crossing,” he said.





Terrace Standard