Rain cancels Chilliwack’s Party in the Park

"First priority is the safety of our visitors," says downtown BIA

Rain may have come as a relief in Chilliwack on Friday morning, but it has also led to the cancellation of the Party in the Park in the evening.

Rain may have come as a relief in Chilliwack on Friday morning, but it has also led to the cancellation of the Party in the Park in the evening.

Rainy weather has led to the cancellation of this Friday’s Party in the Park.

Organizers held out hope until the last minute, that the clouds would clear and make the event a possibility, but at 11 a.m. they had to pull the plug.

“After 28 Fridays of dry Party in the Parks with Trevor (MacDonald) as a host, Mother Nature has fought back,” the Chilliwack Downtown BIA wrote on their website this morning.

“While it is not stormy conditions, even light rain throughout the day can cause significant problems for set up, operations and performers. In addition, soggy grass is not an ideal venue for our family activities. Our first priority is the safety of our visitors and that of the people who help to put on the Party.”

There are still two more chances to enjoy the Party in the Park, weather permitting.

“The organizing committee and its partners would like to thank everyone for their continued support of Party in the Park, and we hope to see you all on August 14 and 21,” they wrote. “Enjoy the rain, Chilliwack, it is long overdue!”

This has been an extremely dry summer, and watering restrictions were put in place earlier this week.



Chilliwack Progress