Rally places pressure on MPs today

Anticipating a decisive showdown in Parliament, Leadnow.ca is organizing a second national day of action, taking place today in Vernon.

Anticipating a decisive showdown in Parliament, Leadnow.ca is organizing a second national day of action, taking place today in Vernon.

Canadians who want to voice their concerns about the federal budget bill currently before Parliament will be rallying at Conservative MPs offices and support locations across the country.

Vernon’s rally gets underway at 5:30 p.m. outside of Okanagan-Shuswap MP Colin Mayes’ office (3105 29 Street).

The federal budget bill C-38 makes changes to over 70 laws, and has drawn criticism across the political spectrum, including from former Conservative cabinet ministers and members of Prime Minister Stephen Harper’s own caucus.

“On Wednesday, at 5:30 p.m. local time, while our MPs gather in Ottawa for a decisive showdown in Parliament, we’ll rally their home ridings, and communities across Canada, to call for 13 “hero” Conservative MPs to work together and stop the Bill, split it, and start over,” said Jamie Biggar, executive director of Leadnow.ca.

Participants believe the bill contains a sweeping agenda that was not voted on in the last election, that will gut environmental protections, hollow out the economy and damage society. At each event they will hold a sign calling for Conservative MPs to “Be a Hero, Stop the Budget Bill.”

For more information about Leadnow.ca, visit www.leadnow.ca

To learn more about the campaign visit: http://heroes.leadnow.ca


Vernon Morning Star