RCMP REPORT: Back on the right track

Victims Services and Safe Homes help woman in difficult relationship

On Thursday, April 3, police responded to an argument between a man and a woman and there were some concerns that the situation would escalate. When police attended, both people were uncooperative and there was no evidence to support that an offence had occurred.

On April 4, police attended the same residence when the man reported the woman was bleeding after she had punched the window.

After speaking with the woman, the ambulance attendants assessed her injuries. The man was arrested for assault and the woman was apprehended under the Mental Health Act and taken to hospital.

Both the Safe Homes program and the Victim Services manager became involved and assisted the woman, who was desperate to leave the relationship, but felt she was trapped.

This incident was an example of the effectiveness of how the Safe Homes Program and Victim Services can provide help with the first steps in leaving an abusive relationship.

In this particular case, there had been a long history of both physical and psychological abuse.

Youth arrested for assault

On April 3, police responded to a report of an assault. When they arrived, the young female suspect had left the house on foot and found a ride to another one.

After speaking with the complainant, it was learned that during an argument, the youth swung her arm up and hit the complainant on the side of the head.

Officers located the youth and arrested her. She was released on conditions and will appear in court in May.


Clearwater Times