RCMP REPORT: Drinking in public

A report was made this past week of liquor consumption and loud music at the Dutch Lake boat launch

A report was made this past week of liquor consumption and loud music at the Dutch Lake boat launch.

Please be reminded that while a cold beer on a hot day can be a wonderful thing, there is a time and, more importantly, a place.

Consumption of liquor (beer or otherwise) in a public place can cost $230 dollars to start, and your remaining alcohol poured out.

Please, drink responsibly – and drink where it is legal.

Kayak Festival

A concert and campout that was part of Clearwater Kayak Festival was held in Birch Island during the last weekend of July. RCMP are very happy to report that there were no reports made that could be directly related to the festival.

It appears the shuttle service and camp facilities provided ample incentive for festival goers to avoid the temptation of drinking and driving.

The festival organizers should be commended for what appears to have been a very successful event all around.

Traffic most predominant issue

Over the past week half of all reports made to the RCMP have been for traffic/driving related offences.

With the summer season in full swing traffic volume along the highway is expected to remain high.

The number of slower moving motorhomes and RVs will surely create opportunity for those drivers already in too much of a hurry to cross the centreline and risk oncoming traffic to gain a few extra seconds on their way.

Please, if you tend to have a heavier foot while driving, consider the road you are travelling. Understand that for every RV or motorhome you pass, there are many more ahead of it, and possibly even a hefty fine from one of your favourite Clearwater RCMP.

Take care on the roads and drive safe.


Clearwater Times