RCMP Report: Fall back, spring ahead

Last week an airplane carrying a pilot and three passengers crash landed on the air strip in Blue River

For the general community the saying, “Fall back, spring ahead” is a reminder to change your clocks back in the fall and ahead in the spring. For the RCMP, this saying also holds true for traffic, as in the fall the traffic slows down and in the spring it picks up again.

Not only does the volume of traffic increase but the speed of the traffic does as well.

Clearwater RCMP and South East District Traffic Services will be out in full force this spring in an attempt to catch any and all drivers taking advantage of the dry roads and warm weather to drive at an excessively fast speed. Consider this your first written warning.

Hard landing

Last week an airplane carrying a pilot and three passengers crash landed on the air strip in Blue River. The pilot had been attempting to land the plane when visibility suddenly became very poor. The pilot put the plane down on the ground before crashing into a snow bank. Luckily, no injuries were sustained.

Murder suspect caught in Clearwater

On Mar. 15 the homicide investigative team in the Lower Mainland gave the Clearwater RCMP information that a person with a warrant for arrest for murder might be driving through the town on Highway 5.


Armed with this information Clearwater RCMP immediately put up a road block and started checking all cars. Three hours later the suspect was arrested in Clearwater and held in the RCMP Detachment cells overnight until he was transferred to Kamloops for further questioning.



Clearwater Times