RCMP Report: Vehicle broken into

Clearwater RCMP received a report that a blue, two-door car had been broken into on Highway 5 near Roundtop Road

On Saturday, Oct. 20 members of Clearwater RCMP received a report that a blue, two-door car had been broken into on Highway 5 near Roundtop Road. A window to the vehicle had been smashed and it appeared as though the stereo had been stolen.

If anyone has any information regarding this incident, please call the detachment or Crimestoppers.

Reviewing surveillance video

On Oct. 22 information was received of an attempted break-and-enter into the Blue River PetroCan gas station.

Two males were seen running away from the gas station shortly after the break-in. Members are currently reviewing surveillance footage to determine who was responsible.

Crooks take SUV

On Oct. 25 a Vavenby resident called to report that a black Lincoln SUV had been stolen from her driveway sometime during the day.

This serves as a reminder to keep the doors to your vehicles locked and to remove all valuables.

Electronic items stolen

There was an attempted break-in to a residence on Park Drive on Oct. 27. Those responsible likely gained access through an unlocked kitchen window. A number of electronic items were stolen from the house.

Again another reminded to keep your doors and windows locked.

Owners responsible for livestock

The detachment has received reports of livestock on the public roadways near town.

This is a reminder that the owners of these animals are deemed responsible if these animals were to cause an accident. Please take the time to ensure that all fencing and gates are secure to prevent this from happening.


Clearwater Times