Dorothy Chambers from the Colquitz Salmonoid Stewardship and Education Society, nets a big one while emptying the fish trap in Coquitz Creek.

Dorothy Chambers from the Colquitz Salmonoid Stewardship and Education Society, nets a big one while emptying the fish trap in Coquitz Creek.

Record return continues for Colquitz Creek

Salmonoid Stewardship and Education Society has counted more than 1,000 fish entering Colquitz Creek, far surpassing any previous counts

Salmonoid Stewardship and Education Society has counted more than 1,000 fish entering Colquitz Creek so far this year, far surpassing any previous counts over the past decade. A typical year might see 300 coho enter the creek between October and December.

The group uses the trap to count fish, mainly coho and sends them on their way upstream to spawn.


Victoria News