Regional district appoints its directors

Strathcona Regional District directors stuck with familiar faces when it came to appointments to external boards

Strathcona Regional District directors stuck with familiar faces when it came to appointments to external boards.

At the board’s inaugural meeting on Dec. 12, directors were tasked with appointing a representative to outside boards.

First up was the Vancouver Island Regional Library board, which meets in Nanaimo.

Area A Director Gerald Whalley nominated Area D Director Brenda Leigh who has served for the last several years.

Leigh was appointed by acclamation and acknowledged for all the time she has put in by new chair Jim Abram (Quadra Island director).

“You’ve done a great job and I’m sure you’ll do a great job in the future,” Abram said.

The next task was to approve an alternate in the event Leigh can’t make a meeting.

The board was hesitant and Leigh tried to assure directors that it wouldn’t be a difficult task.

“Whoever takes it will probably never have to go, I’m always there,” Leigh said.

Cortes Island Director Noba Anderson, who has served as the alternate, agreed.

“I’ve had it for the past four or five years and I’ve never gone,” Anderson said.

Whalley offered to take the position.

“Okay, sign me up.”

The board then made its community representative appointment to the Strathcona Gardens Commission and re-appointed Cal Grunerud.

Campbell River Mirror