Regional district responsibilities work adds to councillors’ salaries

Some city councillors made more than others last year, despite all receiving the same yearly salary from the city

Some city councillors made more than others last year, despite all receiving the same yearly salary from the city.

All councillors received $20,764 in 2010, according to the city’s recently released Statement of Financial Information but those appointed to Strathcona Regional District boards made additional dollars.

Coun. Andy Adams was the only councillor to not receive any pay from the Regional District.

Coun. Ziggy Stewart, who sits on the Strathcona Regional District board, the Committee of the Whole board and the Strathcona Gardens Commission board, received the most remuneration from the regional district at $14,100 to up his pay to $34,864.

Coun. Roy Grant made $13,450 from the Regional District for a total yearly salary of $34,214 and Coun. Claire Moglove received $13,200 from the Regional District for a total of  $33,964 last year.

Councillors Mary Storry, who made $13,075 from the Regional District for a yearly total of $33,839, and Ryan Mennie, who received $1,000 as an alternate director to the Regional District board, round out the list.

Mayor Charlie Cornfield received $58,854 from the city last year and $12,325 from the Regional District.

While appointments to the Regional District are compensated, councillors appointed to city committees or groups are not paid any additional remuneration.

Moglove sits on six different city committees, Stewart sits on seven, Storry sits on six,  Adams sits on ten different commissions and committees while Grant’s portfolio includes five committees and Mennie sits in on six groups.

Mayor Cornfield sits on a total of five committees.

Campbell River Mirror