Reservoirs stop spilling

The reservoir at Thirsk Dam has now stopped spilling and the community is using stored water for the remainder of the year.

The reservoir at Thirsk Dam has now stopped spilling and the community is using stored water for the remainder of the year.

The reservoir stopped spilling on Aug. 6, the latest spill date in close to two decades.

According to records dating from 1974, Summerland’s reservoirs would usually stop spilling after the middle of July or into August, with only a few earlier dates.

From 2000 to 2015, the reservoirs stopped spilling in late June or early July, with the exception of 2011.

Earlier this year, during Earth Week in April, Sandra Yates, a new resident of Summerland, guessed Aug. 14 as the date the reservoirs would stop spilling.


Summerland Review