Resident finds disabled teen

With the help of a Good Samaritan, a disabled 17-year-old teen was reunited with his family

With the help of a Good Samaritan, a disabled 17-year-old teen was reunited with his family after going missing for almost an hour in Lake Country.

On Sunday at about 11:45 a.m., the RCMP received multiple reports of a youth walking northbound along Highway 97.

“The reports indicated the child did not seem appropriately dressed for the sub-zero temperatures and appeared disoriented,” said Cst. Kris Clark, with the RCMP.

“A concerned resident found the disoriented boy wandering on his property, noted that his hands were cold, his clothing was wet and immediately called police. He brought the boy inside his home to warm up and get some water to drink.”

Police later reunited the Kelowna boy with his parents and learned that the boy has special needs.

“The boy’s parents were in the Lake Country area at a church function and believed him to be in his class when he had actually wandered off,” said Clark.


Vernon Morning Star