Commissionaire Marcel Larochelle helps ensure Earl Marriott Secondary students heading home from their first full day of classes Wednesday get across the ever-busy 16 Avenue/North Bluff Road safely.

Commissionaire Marcel Larochelle helps ensure Earl Marriott Secondary students heading home from their first full day of classes Wednesday get across the ever-busy 16 Avenue/North Bluff Road safely.

Safe passage

Crossing guard Marcel Larochelle watches over Earl Marriott Secondary students.

Commissionaire Marcel Larochelle helps ensure Earl Marriott Secondary students heading home from their first full day of classes Wednesday get across the ever-busy 16 Avenue/North Bluff Road safely.

Larochelle said he’s seen many close calls as a crossing guard, and will be on the job every afternoon that the school – with more than 2,000 students – is in session.



Peace Arch News