School jazz bands perform June 6 and 11

Hatzic and Mission secondary schools to showcase talents

The Hatzic Secondary School’s jazz band is performing June 6 at Fraser River Heritage Park as part of the Envision Financial Twilight concert series.

Hatzic’s bands recently returned from the 2014 Seattle Heritage Music Festival, where they placed well across several categories. These talented students have impressed audiences locally and on tour with their musical skills, professionalism, and positive attitude. Join them for a night of toe-tapping, head-bobbing jazz.

Coming up June 11, Mission Secondary’s jazz band will grace the Twilight stage. Students travelled to the Seattle Heritage Music Festival this spring, placing well in various disciplines and earning the prestigious Spirit of Seattle Award for their professional and enthusiastic representation of their school.

All concerts run from 7 to 8 p.m. Bring a lawn chair or blanket and settle in for a range of live music every Wednesday and Friday night until Aug. 29. Concert-goers are encouraged to bring a picnic dinner or treat themselves to a pre-concert meal at the Blackberry Kitchen or Log Cabin Cafe.

Admission is free, though donations are appreciated. For more information, including the full concert schedule, call 604-826-0277, email or visit, or find them on Facebook.

Mission City Record