Schools funded

Four local schools are able to proceed with routine capital projects as a result of provincial funding.

Four local schools are able to proceed with routine capital projects as a result of provincial funding.

The schools receiving grants are Pleasant Valley Secondary in Armstrong, W.L. Seaton Secondary in Vernon and Beairsto and Okanagan Landing elementary schools in Vernon.

“These upgrades will greatly improve the infrastructure and operating efficiency,” said Greg Kyllo, Shuswap MLA.

At PVSS, the control system, including CO2 sensors, requires updating to improve occupant comfort, energy efficiency and maintainability. The cost of the project, which will be completed by spring, is $140,000.

Okanagan Landing Elementary will receive  $600,000 to install vertical geothermal ground loop systems, a heat exchanger and central plant.

At Beairsto, $192,000 will go to new transformer and service cabling. A new switchboard will be installed, allowing monitoring of energy use, power demand and power quality in the school.

The 20-year-old roof at Seaton will be replaced for $1 million and $264,000 will go to a new transformer, power pole and service cabling.

All of the Vernon work is expected to begin this year and be completed by spring.

“I’m pleased that our government is delivering more than $2 million in improvements for students and educators in Vernon,” said Eric Foster, Vernon-Monashee MLA.


Vernon Morning Star