Searching for Wells Gray’s treasures

B.C. Day event is big hit with local and visitors alike

(L-r) Merlin Blackwell and Alison Wesnoski of Blackwell Park Operations hand out clue packages to Chad Bond, Cathy Pylychaty and Ashley Bond at the start of the Wells Gray Park treasure hunt on Monday, Aug. 1. The fun event included a trivia quiz and a photo hunt. A total of 22 teams took part.

(L-r) Merlin Blackwell and Alison Wesnoski of Blackwell Park Operations hand out clue packages to Chad Bond, Cathy Pylychaty and Ashley Bond at the start of the Wells Gray Park treasure hunt on Monday, Aug. 1. The fun event included a trivia quiz and a photo hunt. A total of 22 teams took part.

For those who missed it on the B.C. Day event on Aug. 1, the following quiz was part of the Wells Gray Park Treasure Hunt.

Each correct answer was worth 10 points, while questions marked (**) got bonus points worth 20 points.

Look for answers in next week’s issue of the Clearwater North Thompson Times.



1. What year was Wells Gray Provincial Park established?

2. Who was Arthur Wellesley Gray?

3. How many hectares is Wells Gray Park?

4. How high is Spahats Falls?

5. How many peaks make up the Trophy Mountains?

6. How high is the highest peak in the Trophies?

7. In the 1940s and 1950s, how was mail delivered to the Upper Clearwater Valley in winter?

8. What year was the most catastrophic fire in the Clearwater Valley?

9. Name one lake that is stocked with fish in Wells Gray Park.

10. How many meters high is the Green Mountain viewing platform?

11. What is the nickname for Dawson Falls?

12. What river feeds Helmcken Falls?

13. What was the “cause” of Pyramid Mountain?

14. Who are the willows important to?

15. What two natural events occurred to create the Clearwater Valley?

16. Who was the “real” Jerry the Moose? **

17. What is “Spahats” a term for?

18. Who was Fage Creek named after? **

19. Name three pioneer families of the Upper Clearwater.

20. Why was the road named Corral Road? **


Clearwater Times