Eric Foster, Vernon-Monashee MLA, and B Elliott, with the Kindale Developmental Association, check out Patchwork Community Farms at Okanagan College Wednesday.

Eric Foster, Vernon-Monashee MLA, and B Elliott, with the Kindale Developmental Association, check out Patchwork Community Farms at Okanagan College Wednesday.

Seeds sown for career opportunities at community farm

Provincial government is providing $27,000 to Kindale Developmental Association

Employment opportunities and agriculture are getting a boost.

The provincial government is providing the Kindale Developmental Association with $27,000 to hire two people to work at the Patchwork Community Farms at Okanagan College in Coldstream.

“We’re pleased that we could help provide work experience to people who are interested in agriculture and volunteer work,” said B Elliott, Kindale executive director.

The farm will provide work experience in urban agriculture, program development, marketing and event hosting over 32 weeks.

Patchwork Farms is a collective operation based on volunteers.

“Thanks to this partnership, the community will profit from a great gardening program,” said Eric Foster, Vernon-Monashee MLA.

Look for more in Friday’s Morning Star.

Vernon Morning Star