Smart meter foes seek court injunction

Langley-based group wants immediate freeze on installation program

The Langley-based Citizens For Safe Technology is seeking an injunction against B.C. Hydro’s smart meter program.

A complaint was filed under Section 47 of the Utilities Commission Act, requesting an injunctive freeze on the wireless component of the program without delay.

This action is being taken to engage the Utilities Commission’s administrative function as a regulator of BC Hydro, says CFT.

Thousands of British Columbians have signed a petition opposing the installation of the meters, which some people have linked to ill health.

A statement from Citizens for Safe Technology said: “Hydro cannot be allowed to act with impunity, without regard to the public interest, on a matter that raises serious concerns with respect to human health, environmental integrity, individual privacy and civil liberties.”

Furthermore, it notes, the Clean Energy Act purports to excuse Hydro from having to obtain a BCUC issued certificate of ‘public convenience and necessity’ but not with respect to the wireless components of the Smart Meter Program.

The Commission is being asked to issue relief on an urgent and interim basis, without hearing and without delay, in order to effectively freeze any and all activity being carried out by Hydro in contravention of section 45(1) of the Utilities Commission Act.

Any delay in the issuance of the relief sought will allow BC Hydro to continue with unauthorized expenditures, CFT says.

The statement goes on to say that the action is taken to preserve and give weight to the public interest with regard to the deployment of the smart meter program in B.C.



Langley Times