A table laden with food, much of it donated, awaits the noon hour rush on Monday at the Holy Cross Church’s weekly Soup Kitchen. (Photo credit Lorne Eckersley)

A table laden with food, much of it donated, awaits the noon hour rush on Monday at the Holy Cross Church’s weekly Soup Kitchen. (Photo credit Lorne Eckersley)

Soup Kitchen offers lunch and fellowship

Holy Cross Church offers free hot lunches to an average of 40 people each Monday.

Since Creston Holy Cross Church started to offer free hot lunches last month an average of 40 people have been attending each Monday.

But the meal offers a bigger benefit than just filling stomachs, Father Sylvester Obi Ibekwe (best known as Father Obi) said on Monday. The opportunity to share a meal with friends new and old has great importance.

“It all began as a dream, an inspiration,” Father Obi said on Monday. “What can our parish do for our community? Can we create a place where people from our community can come and share a meal and a beverage? Can we create a place where we can build community and encounter one another in love and friendship?”

When he presented the idea to his parishioners, the response was positive and immediate. Volunteers stepped forward, donations were made, and the Soup Kitchen was born.

“People who are not members of our parish heard about it and said ‘Sign me up!'”

The volunteer effort was supported from the start by Golden Flour Bakery, which donates bread, buns and desserts. Wloka Farms donates groceries and offers discounts, and Pealow’s Your Independent Grocer has been a strong supporter with donations. Extra freezers and a fridge were donated or offered for very low prices.

“Today we have six teams of volunteers who rotate through a six-week schedule, and they have been wonderful,” Father Obi said. “The volunteers, as well as those who are served, enjoy the friendly atmosphere. From the volunteers, every Monday, I see the joy of service, of serving Jesus in each man and woman. From those who come to the soup kitchen, I see the joy of being loved.”

Not surprisingly, Father Obi refers to the biblical story of the little boy who offered his five loaves of bread and two fishes to Jesus, who blessed the offering and multiplied it to feed 5,000 people.

While the Soup Kitchen offers the lunch for free, many have offered to pay, showing their gratitude for the opportunity to break bread with others. But Father Obi insists that the Holy Cross parish, volunteers and donors are happy to continue with the free lunches.

“The joy in the room is something I look forward to start each week,” he said.

Creston Valley Advance