South Cariboo businesses asked for input

Local businesses urged to provide information on seniors’ services

The South Cariboo Chamber of Commerce (SCCC) has an AGE-FRIENDLY survey on its website at, and is asking 100 Mile House and area businesses to answer 10 questions regarding seniors and their business.

These questions revolve around discounts, services, access, shopping and delivery and products geared towards seniors, etc.

SCCC executive director Shelly Morton says the questionnaire is not just for Chamber members, as any South Cariboo businesses can add their input and information.

“As a business owner, you may find that you have a lot to offer and gain by being involved in the AGE-FRIENDLY Initiative from a marketing, customer loyalty, and business development point of view.

The South Cariboo AGE-FRIENDLY Initiative is aimed at making the South Cariboo more accessible to seniors, Morton explains.

Information has been presented by seniors and people interested in seniors’ challenges that the top priorities to build an AGE-FRIENDLY community are:

• Improve communication to seniors by creating a network to connect with seniors across the South Cariboo.

• Provide access to helpful information and resources for seniors.

• Create a regular newspaper column for age-friendly events and information.

• Create linkage between seniors groups across all the pocket communities of the South Cariboo to share information.

• Develop a regular “Cariboo Coffee Time” model for seniors to listen to guest speakers, obtain information, remain active and involved in the community, and enjoy coffee and refreshments on a social level.

Responses to this survey will be summarized and shared with the AGE-FRIENDLY network. As a result, seniors will have more information about local businesses and will have marketed your products and services.


100 Mile House Free Press