Stanley Cup coming to Port McNeill

Who’s travelling north next weekend to see the Stanley Cup?

Who’s travelling north to see the Stanley Cup?

There will be more than a few Campbell River hockey fans making the two-and-a-half-hour drive to see Willie Mitchell bring the hallowed Cup to his hometown of Port McNeill.

Big Willie and Stanley make their grand appearance on Sunday, Aug. 12, 10:30 a.m. at the Port McNeill Arena (aka Chilton Regional Arena).

It’s Mitchell’s first Stanley Cup championship as the burly veteran defenceman – you think the Canucks miss him now? – was a key member of the Los Angeles Kings which defeated the New Jersey Devils in six games.

“The town council has declared August 12, 2012 as Willie Mitchell Day and has unanimously voted to confer the status of Freeman on its most famous son,” said long-time Mayor Gerry Furney. “All are invited to join us in celebrating his achievements.”

Campbell River Mirror