Star/Journal editor honoured at BC Community Achievement Awards

Louis Creek resident Jill Hayward was one of 32 British Columbians honoured at the 11th annual British Columbia Community Achievement Awards

BC Government photo Louis Creek resident, Jill Hayward, receiving her 2014 BC Community Achievement Award from The Hon. Judith Guichon, OBC, Lieutenant Governor of British Columbia (r), and Hon. Coralee Oakes, Minister of Community, Sport and Cultural Development at a ceremony held in Government House, Victoria,  on Apr. 29.

BC Government photo Louis Creek resident, Jill Hayward, receiving her 2014 BC Community Achievement Award from The Hon. Judith Guichon, OBC, Lieutenant Governor of British Columbia (r), and Hon. Coralee Oakes, Minister of Community, Sport and Cultural Development at a ceremony held in Government House, Victoria, on Apr. 29.

Louis Creek resident Jill Hayward was one of 32 British Columbians honoured at the 11th annual British Columbia Community Achievement Awards’ ceremony held at Government House in Victoria on April 29.

“These awards celebrate community leaders who are dedicated to making a difference,” said Kamloops-North Thompson MLA Terry Lake. “I am pleased that Jill Hayward is being recognized for her contributions to agriculture and agritourism in our region.”

“Jill Hayward has infinite pride for the community of Barriere and its surrounding area,” said Keith Mitchell, chair of the British Columbia Achievement Awards, during the presentation, “Editor of the North Thompson Star/Journal, Jill has never backed away from a challenge and has never failed to gather a team together that will succeed. North Thompson Fall Fair and Rodeo Association, McLure Wildfire Monument Society, Rural Crime Watch, and Learning and Literacy have all benefitted from Jill’s leadership. But it is her commitment to the North Thompson Agriplex that is exceptional. This state of the art facility attracts agricultural and trade show events and serves as a community centerpiece.  Jill was critical to its development and she continues to grow its reputation.”

Asked what she felt when receiving the award, Hayward said, “I am still absolutely amazed.  Such a wonderful honour, I really am totally blown away!”

She also stated that all the people who she has worked with on committees and projects over the years deserve to be thanked for their contributions.

“It is the collective dedication of us all that brings forward the successes we enjoy on those community projects that are near and dear to our hearts.  Thank you to everyone,” said Hayward.



Barriere Star Journal