Stay safe during the holiday season

White Rock RCMP are offering a few simple steps that citizens can take to keep safe this holiday season.

Stay safe during the holiday season

White Rock RCMP are offering a few simple steps that citizens can take to keep safe this holiday season.

“’Tis the season to be jolly, but if you are the victim of a crime it can sure put a pine needle into your proverbial holiday bubble,” said Const. Janelle Shoihet.

Shoihet suggests:

• carry only what you need in terms of cash and credit cards;

• tuck packages and gifts out-of-sight when parked;

• when shopping, park in a well-lit area close to the store;

• keep reciepts for purchases, not only for returns, but also to cross-reference with credit card statements;

• have a light or television on while you are away;

• beware of criminals posing as delivery people in order to gain entry to a home or apartment building;

• lock doors and windows even when you’re home;

• if travelling, ensure someone knows your planned route and estimated time of arrival;

• don’t drink and drive; if hosting others, serve non-alcoholic beverages;

• always ask for identification from people soliciting donations;

• ensure Christmas lights, decorations and cords are in good shape.

Anyone who finds themselves a victim of crime, or notices something suspicious should contact police. In White Rock, call 778-593-3600; in Surrey, 604-599-0502.



Peace Arch News