Strange behaviour raises concern aboard Castlegar area bus

Search continues for erratic passenger who fled bus.



Castlegar RCMP have reported an incident which caused a tense commotion last Thursday, June 27 on a Greyhound bus near the Nancy Green Junction about 20 minutes west of Castlegar.

According to a report from Const. Debbie Postnikoff, a male, possibly “high” on a substance was pacing on a Greyhound bus, going in and out of the washroom.

When the driver checked on him, the man who was said to be holding a hammer and screwdriver, jumped out a window and ran around on the road.

Castlegar and Trail RCMP members patrolled the area but did not located the man.

Grand Forks RCMP were also alerted and roadblocks were set up. Efforts to locate and identify this man are continuing, according to Const. Postnikoff.

Castlegar News