Strathcona Food Security Project seeks input

North Island College and the Vancouver Island Health Authority are looking for input on food security in the Strathcona Region

Do you care about food?

North Island College and the Vancouver Island Health Authority (VIHA) are looking for input on food security in the Strathcona Region this fall with a public survey and a series of community conversations.

Food security is when everyone has access to sufficient, safe and nutritious food that meets their food preferences, and is produced sustainably.

“The Strathcona Food Security Project is focussed on finding out what strengths we have in our area, as well as the challenges that we face,” says Cynthia Bendickson, Project Coordinator. “We want to find out what people think about their access to food and what we as a community want to see happen in the future.”

The results of the survey and the community conversations will be used to produce an Action Plan to address food security in the Strathcona Region.

Community conversations will be taking place in Zeballos on Nov. 6, Quadra Island on Nov. 13, Sayward on Nov. 16, Gold River on Nov. 21, Cortes Island on Nov. 23, and Campbell River on Dec. 3. To access the survey and to find out more about the community conversations, visit the project blog at, or contact Cynthia Bendickson at or (250) 202-1320.

Surveys are also available at local libraries in the Strathcona Region.

Campbell River Mirror