The host of a house party called police this weekend when it got out of control.

The host of a house party called police this weekend when it got out of control.

‘Street lawyers’ greet Nelson police at party

Nelson police say they met “well intentioned but misinformed” teens when responding to a rowdy party over the weekend.

Nelson police say they met “well intentioned but misinformed” teens when responding to a rowdy party over the weekend.

Acting Sgt. Brian Weber said through social media and word of mouth, the party “quickly swelled way beyond its intended size,” and the host — a young adult using his parents’ home — recognized that it was getting out of control and called police.

Crowds of teens were coming and going and music was blaring, Weber said in a news release.

However, when officers arrived they were met at the front door by the teen’s friends, “who happened to fancy themselves as ‘street lawyers.'”

Nevertheless, officers found and interviewed the complainant, who Weber said “seemed wise beyond his years.”

“Choosing to ignore the advice of his unretained ‘on site legal team,’ the young person calmly and shrewdly shut down the party and ejected approximately 75 unwanted guests while police stood by,” Weber said. “Within 30 minutes the situation was back under control and the party was shrunk to a manageable size.”

Weber did not say exactly where the party occurred.

Nelson Star