Officials believe there is enough snow currently to meet local Greater Vernon water needs.

Officials believe there is enough snow currently to meet local Greater Vernon water needs.

Sufficient snow to meet Greater Vernon water needs

The Regional District of North Okanagan recently looked at snowpack in the Duteau Creek area.

Greater Vernon currently has enough snow to meet water demand.

The Regional District of North Okanagan recently looked at snowpack in the Duteau Creek area.

“The February snow depth eadings are slightly below average at all three sites,” said Zee Marcolin, Greater Veron Water manager.

“GVW has these different sites to monitor how the snow accumulates and melts differently as a result of the difference in forest cover.”

Based on the information, GVW remains at the normal water supply level.

“GVW will continue to monitor reservoir levels, snowpack, and climate forecasts weekly to determine whether a change in restriction stage is warranted,” said Marcolin.



Vernon Morning Star