Summerland snow pack near normal

While the snow in Summerland has melted, the snow pack in the mountains is near historic levels for this time of the year.

While the snow in Summerland has melted, the snow pack in the mountains is near historic levels for this time of the year.

Scott Lee, water operations manager for the municipality, said the most recent readings, taken at Summerland Reservoir and Isintok Lake, show a significant snow pack at both locations.

At Summerland Reservoir, the snow depth on Thursday was 68 centimetres, or the equivalent of 224 millimetres of water. This is 100 per cent of the long-term average.

A month earlier, the snow pack at that location was 88 per cent of the normal level.

At Isintok Lake, the snow pack measured 57 centimetres, or the equivalent of 176 millimetres of water. This is 88 per cent of the long-term average at that location.

In March, the snow pack at Isintok Lake was at 99 per cent of the long-term average there.

Snow survey results are calculated every month from Jan. 1 to May 1 and then twice a month until the last of the snow pack has melted.


Summerland Review