The regional district has issued a swim advisory for Taghum beach due to poor water quality in the Kootenay River.

The regional district has issued a swim advisory for Taghum beach due to poor water quality in the Kootenay River.

Swimmers told to avoid Taghum beach

The Regional District of Central Kootenay has issued a swim advisory to users of Taghum Beach due to poor water quality.

The Regional District of Central Kootenay has issued a swim advisory to users of Taghum Beach due to poor water quality.

The regional district said today swimming is not recommended due to bacterial counts that exceed Health Canada guidelines.

The regional district collects water samples weekly at the beach and analyzes it for fecal coliform bacteria, the notice said.

Swimming in water with unacceptable bacteria levels can increase the risk of ear, nose, and throat infection or stomach illness.

Signs have been posted at the beach to warn the public of the poor water quality and will remain until sample results are again within acceptable limits.

A similar notice was posted two years ago and lasted about a week.

“We usually have a point every summer where the coliform levels are up,” said Joe Chirico, general manager of community services for the RDCK.

However, he said they aren’t able to tie it to any single reason or event.

“It hasn’t been that consistent. That bay seems to be a collection point. Water seems to swirl and sit there, but it hasn’t been correlated with anything.”

The beach is downstream of the City of Nelson’s sewage treatment plant, but Chirico said there is nothing to suggest a link.



Nelson Star