The Special Annual General Meeting called for the Princeton Posse had a good turnout from interested community members. 18 directors were elected. (13 in photo) The new board of directors for the Princeton Posse includes; Dean Johnston, Mike Grgich, Gary Fraser, Richard White, Ian Elko, Anthony Pankratz, Larry Lagault, Pam Lagault, Corry Oerlemans, Linda Hodgson, Jackie Hilton, Lorna Coyne, Linda Thompson, Randy McLean, Kirk McConnell, Dorothy Lauder, Sharon Zieske, and Peter McDonald.

The Special Annual General Meeting called for the Princeton Posse had a good turnout from interested community members. 18 directors were elected. (13 in photo) The new board of directors for the Princeton Posse includes; Dean Johnston, Mike Grgich, Gary Fraser, Richard White, Ian Elko, Anthony Pankratz, Larry Lagault, Pam Lagault, Corry Oerlemans, Linda Hodgson, Jackie Hilton, Lorna Coyne, Linda Thompson, Randy McLean, Kirk McConnell, Dorothy Lauder, Sharon Zieske, and Peter McDonald.

The Princeton Posse will ride on

A new board of directors has been elected to carry on the operations of Princeton’s
Junior B Hockey Team.

Thirty four residents attended the Special Annual General Meeting for the Princeton Posse held Thursday, June 25 at 7 p.m., at the Riverside Centre.

The meeting chaired by Lyle Thomas, Leisure Services Manager for RDOS/Town of Princeton was held in hope that members of the community would come forward to assist in continuing the operations of the Princeton Posse Hockey Team.

“I thank you sincerely, for coming out and for showing your support,” said Thomas to the 34 people in attendance.

Thomas then went on to share a bit of the history of hockey in Princeton, the KIJHL and of the Princeton Posse. For interest he showed a photo of the Copper Mountain Hockey Team 1925 – 1926 (Similkameen League Champs) and showed the very first Jersey worn by the Princeton Posse. (The Posse logo then, was quite the large logo which covered the Enderby Ice Kings logo)

After showing a history video sharing highlights of the Posse’s first 10 years, Thomas shared a proposed plan for operations, reiterating again and again, that “Many hands make light work.”

The proposed plan was designed by an interim committee, who has kept up with Posse operations since the former board stepped down. (Dave Claire, Larry Legault and Lyle Thomas)

Nominations from the floor were then taken as well as a list of names of residents who had put their names forward for positions was read.

Eighteen individuals were elected to the board and from those18, the executive members were chosen.

The Princeton Posse board of directors for the 2013/14 year are; president – Dean Johnston, vice presidents – Cory Oerlemans and Mike Grgich, treasurer – Lorna Coyne, secretary – Pam Lagault, director of marketing – Richard White, director of fundraising – Ian Elko, game day directors – Linda Thompson, Pam Lagault, Ian Elko andGary Fraser, media relations directors – Randy McLean and Dean Johnston, director of communications – Kirk McConnell, director of sales and merchandising – Jackie Hilton, director of office operations – Larry Lagault, director of public relations – Anthony Pankratz, director of special events – Dorothy Lauder, team liaison directors – Linda Hodgson, Sharon Zieske, and Linda Thompson and the director of transportation – Peter McDonald.

Ex-officio members  are the Town of Princeton and the Regional District Of Okanagan-Similkameen. (RDOS)

Thomas again extended his thanks for the community support shown and for the dedication of the folks who stepped forward to carry the Posse ride on.

To date the Posse Camp schedule is as follows; Training – August 19 – 23; Prep Camp – August 23 to 26 and Try-outs are scheduled for August 27 – 29.

The regular season is scheduled to begin September 13, 2013.


Similkameen Spotlight