Theft from vehicles prompt police warning

Chilliwack RCMP are reminding motorists to lock it or lose, particularly in two areas in the city’s downtown.

A recent RCMP COMPSTAT report reveals that thefts from vehicles is once again surfacing as a problem in the Chilliwack area.

A recent RCMP COMPSTAT report reveals that thefts from vehicles is once again surfacing as a problem in the Chilliwack area.

Chilliwack RCMP are reminding motorists to lock it or lose, particularly in two areas in the city’s downtown.

A recent tally off property crimes indicate a growing number of thefts from vehicles, police say. The COMPSTAT report, which complies the information to track trends, indicates two ‘hot spots.”

The first is in the area From Bernard to Wellington and Young to Corbould. The second is around Hazel and Woodbine Streets.

“We really want people to be aware that these crimes are largely crimes of opportunity,” said Cst. Tracy Wolbeck.  “If people are vigilant and don’t leave valuables visible in their vehicle, we have eliminated the opportunity for would-be thieves.”  The Chilliwack RCMP bike unit, general duty members , and auxiliary constables have increased their patrols in these areas, but the prevention of these crimes lies with the public as well as the police, she says.

Prevention tips:

• Ensure there are NO valuables left visible in your vehicle

• Do not leave loose change in your vehicle console

•  An alarm system is an effective deterrent

• Double check that all the doors are locked before leaving your vehicle

Chilliwack Progress