The First World War Memorial Tree dedication in Fort Langley, Sunday, with (left to right) Township councillor and heritage advisory committee co-chair Bob Long; historian and author Warren Sommer, Langley Heritage Society president and Freeman of the Township Fred Pepin, Major Rev. Gordon Shields, Heritage Advisory committee co-chair Tom Annandale, and Township of Langley Mayor Jack Froese, replanting the Wilson Memorial Tree.

The First World War Memorial Tree dedication in Fort Langley, Sunday, with (left to right) Township councillor and heritage advisory committee co-chair Bob Long; historian and author Warren Sommer, Langley Heritage Society president and Freeman of the Township Fred Pepin, Major Rev. Gordon Shields, Heritage Advisory committee co-chair Tom Annandale, and Township of Langley Mayor Jack Froese, replanting the Wilson Memorial Tree.

Three recognized at Arbour Day ceremony in Langley

Brenda Alberts, Nadia Cooper, and Donna Passmore recently passed away but left lasting legacies in the community.

Three people who made a difference were recognized on Arbour Day with a memorial tree planting ceremony in Fort Langley.

Brenda Alberts, Nadia Cooper, and Donna Passmore recently passed away but left lasting legacies in the community.

The ceremony was part of Community Arbour Day festivities at Hudson Bay Park Sunday afternoon.

Earlier in the day, the Wilson Memorial Tree was formally replaced in Fort Langley.

One of many bigleaf maples planted at local intersections to honour the 36 Langley soldiers who lost their lives in the line of duty, it was named after A.W. Wilson, who was killed at Vimy Ridge in France in 1917.

Earlier this year, the tree at 96 Avenue and Glover Road — the last of the three bigleaf memorial maples remaining in Fort Langley – succumbed to disease and had to be reduced in size.


Aldergrove Star