Toll-free line speeds up treaty information

KITSUMKALUM has installed a toll-free number so its members, regardless of where they live, can keep in touch about treaty negotiations.

KITSUMKALUM has installed a toll-free number so its members, regardless of where they live, can keep in touch about treaty negotiations.

The Kitsumkalum First Nations have been in negotiations since 1995 and are working on an agreement in principle.

“Ongoing communication strategies such as the distribution of newsletters and information packages to all members have been crucial, and regular community meetings have strengthened ties throughout the Kitsumkalum Nation,” reads a Kitsumkalum press release.

“The treaty team is now confronting the challenge of contacting members who live outside the community and surrounding area—especially those who have not updated their contact information.”

“We have been prioritizing communications and community consultation over the past two years. This year, we’re striving to create communication vehicles that make contacting us accessible, and the toll free line is just one of the ways we hope to achieve that,” says Nina Peden who works at the treaty office.

“This toll-free line will allow our members to call our office 24 hours a day, and will allow us to collect the essential contact information that will help build a successful treaty process,” adds Alex Bolton, chief treaty negotiator for the Kitsumkalum.

The toll free line—1.888.635.1718—can be used throughout North America, and is accessible 24 hours a day.



Terrace Standard